
The Effect of Tax Amnesty on Economic Growth in Indonesia

Nama  : Ericha Candra Wahyuni NPM   : 12213922 Kelas  : 4EA33 Tugas Softskill B.Inggris ke 3 Pengaruh Tax Amnesty terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Indonesia   “Secara umum Tax Amnesty berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia “. Hal ini disampaikan oleh Kepala BPS Suhariyanto di ruang kerjanya saat di wawancarai oleh reporter dari MNC TV Jumat 14 Oktober 2016.   Secara lebih rinci dia menjelaskan bahwa repatriasi akan berpengaruh pada neraca pembayaran yang kemudian akan memperkuat nilai tukar rupiah, kalau nilai tukarnya menguat akan mengurangi biaya input produksi, sehingga harga barang akan lebih murah.  Akan tetapi menurut beliau dampak besar Tax Amnesty sampai saat ini belum ada, karena sekarang baru mengumpulkan. Jadi besarnya pengaruh Tax Amnesty pada pertumbuhan ekonomi bisa dilihat tahun depan tergantung pada dua hal, yaitu, berapa besarnya dana yang diperoleh dan Pemanfaatan dana tersebut (sektor riil/finansial)  Selain itu Suhariyanto men


I’ve been through sunshine Made friends with the moonlight Traveled the ancient lands And sailed across the seas I’m free when I think and fight for what’s right Ain’t nobody gonna tread on me A place I’d call mine and yours forever This land was made for you and me, yeah! Ain’t no place like home, they say Home is where that heart is, home is where your love is Ain’t no place like home where I’ll be me, me, me, yeah! Ain’t no place like home, they say Home is where that heart is, home is where your love is Ain’t no place like home where I’ll be free, free, free, yeah! Our lakes they praise the Great Through the Mississippi valley Our smiles they shine from sea to sea In Him we’ll all trust, be free forever Home of the brave is where I’ll be From York that’s all new, to the city of Angels, God bless this land for you and me, yeah! Ain’t no place like home, they say Home is where that heart is, home is where your love is Ain’t

Example Of Job Interview

Nama : Ericha Candra Wahyuni NPM : 12213922 Kelas : 4EA33 PT. MAKMUR JAYA ELECTRONICS opens a job vacancy and offer the opportunity throught newspapers. Those who would like to aplly have to come to the office and bring Curriculum vitae and dress properly. At that time there is a young lady walking towards the office wearing formal dress and ready to have a job interview. Young Lady    : Excuse me, I’m here for a job interview. Could you show me the way to the Human Resources Manager’s Room?  Receptionist   : Sure. Wait a moment. I’d like to inform her first by phone. ( On the phone : Hello Mr Beni, There’s a young lady would like to have a job interview. Would you let her to come to your room? ) Manager          : Yes, sure. I’ll be ready for five minutes. Let her wait in the waiting room and ask her to come to my room. Receptionist    : Yes Sir, You will have to wait for about five minuts and then go to her room on the 4 th floor next to the stairs. Yo


PREDICTION ANALYSIS OF SALES  CEMENT TONASA AND CEMENT PADANG  PERIODE DECEMBER 2015  IN  PT.SEMEN INDONESIA (Persero) TBK. SCIENTIFIC WRITING Proposed to complement the conditions to reach equivalent Bachelor degree majoring in Management Level Holders Faculty Of Economics, Gunadarma University                         Name                           : Ericha Candra Wahyuni                         NPM                           : 12213922                         Department                 : Management                         Supervisor                   : Christera Kuswahyu Indira, SE., MM.                                                                                  THE FACULTY OF ECONOMICS GUNADARMA UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2016 ABSTRACTION Ericha Candra Wahyuni, 12213922 PREDICTION ANALYSIS OF SALES CEMENT TONASA AND CEMENT PADANG PERIODE DECEMBER 2015 IN PT.SEMEN INDONESIA (Persero) TBK. Scientific Writing, Faculty Of Economic


ETIKA BISNIS TUGAS KELOMPOK SOAL PG 10     Disusun Oleh : Andi Gunawan                                   1B215230 Ade Damayanti                                  10213129 Ericha Candra Wahyuni                      12213922 Jimmy Moh Ibrahim                           14213649 Riyadi Heru N                                   17213853 Syiva Fitria                                        18213777   Kelas 4ea33 Universitas Gunadarma Fakultas Ekonomi S-1 Manajemen 2016 1.       Yang bukan Termasuk Karakter Good Governance Adalah : a.        Participant b.       Rule Of Low c.        Compettitif d.       Transparancy ( Transparan ) 2.       Good governance menjadi perantara kepentingan yang berbeda untuk memperoleh pilihan terbaik bagi kepentingan yang lebih luas, baik dalam hal kebijakan – kebijakan maupun prosedur. Adalah pengertian dari : a.        Responsiveness b.       Consensus orientation c.        Transparency (T